Practice Calligraphy
As you practice calligraphy, think first about getting all the supplies you need on hand. Next, set up a schedule where you dedicate time specifically for practice. If you set up a schedule and stick to it, it will quickly become a habit and you’ll be more inclined to practice every day.
As you practice calligraphy, give yourself the time needed for dedicated study. Ideally, you’ll carve out at least 30 minutes per day to work on your form and practice writing the alphabet.
The more you practice, the faster you’ll learn the basics and then move on to the advanced fonts and enhancements to make your work even more beautiful, and improve on speed and flow.
As you set up shop, be sure you have calligraphy pens or markers on hand, in addition to your lined practice paper. To help you really learn properly from the beginning, a good book or instruction guide will also come in very handy. You may want to read the book first to get a feel for the various steps you’ll be learning along the way.
After you’re set up with the supplies and instructions, you’re ready to practice calligraphy!
Give yourself some play time as you practice by experimenting with different lines and strokes. You’ll notice that the width of the lines change as you write vertically, horizontally and diagonally. To see for yourself how holding the pen at different angles and applying more or less pressure can make a difference in how the writing looks, try forming geometric shapes and lines.
As you practice calligraphy, free yourself from distractions. As you set up your work area, you want to find a place where you have plenty of room for your supplies, and for writing comfortably. A drafting table or desk would work well for practice sessions.
If you can get into the habit of practicing at the same time each day, you’ll be more likely to actually practice daily. It’s easy to skip a day or two and then get off track. Remember that the only way you’ll be able to learn and master this art is by putting in the work to practice.
Much like learning to play a musical instrument or excelling at a sport, the key to becoming an expert in any field is to practice.
If you can only carve out 15-20 minutes per day, it will work out if you practice consistently for that amount of time each day. As long as you make a commitment to practice every day or at least 5 days per week, it will help you learn at a good pace.
As you practice calligraphy, make sure you have good lighting and your work space is free from clutter. You might enjoy listening to some music in the background, which may inspire you to get those creative juices flowing.
If your hand starts to get tired, end your practice for the night, but the goal is to get on some sort of regular schedule to practice calligraphy on a regular basis.
As you find time in your daily schedule to practice calligraphy and get into the habit of practicing daily, you will be pleased with the results of your work and in no time, become an expert at writing in calligraphy.
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